Friday 18 May 2012


The lush green and historic Swat Valley lies between 34°-40′ to 35° N latitude and 72′ to 74°-6′ E longitude and is part of the Provincially Administrated Tribal Area (PATA) of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The valley is an integral part of the strategic and significant region where three parts of the Asian continent–South Asia, Central Asia and China, meet.

The names found in ancient sources for Swat are Udyana and Suvastu because of the scenic beauty of the valley and the name of the river respectively.The historical and cultural remains of the area provide evidence about human activities covering a large span of time.

Alexander the Great came here in 327 BC en route India and conquered Bazira and Ora. At his departure the inhabitants of the area threw off Greek yoke, and enjoyed either independent or semi-independent status subsequently. In the meantime Buddhism penetrated here and Swat became center of Buddhist/Gandhara civilization. The Turki Shahis incorporated Swat in their kingdom but at the decline of their power it remained exposed to Hindu Shahis’ influence.

In early tenth century CE/AD, the Muslims occupied Swat. Consequently, Afghans from different tribes, commonly called Swati Pukhtun, came and settled here. They remained independent of the neighboring powers.

Buddhist Shrines in Valley Swat

Swat or Udyana as it is in the Sanskrit sources, is a valley in the mountainous region to the north of the Peshawar Plain, at the foot of the mountain range connecting the Hindu Kush with Karakorum; it includes the main valley of the upper course of the River Swat, for a length of about 200 Km from the source as far as the gullies through which the river flows down to the plain, and the lateral valleys of its tributaries.  


Lakes in Valley Swat:

Swat, is the only region upon which the Creator has been over gracious and benevolent regarding natural beauty and serenity. This realm of beauty and serenity is situated to the north of Pakistan in Hindukush mountain range and has been the abode of several ancient cultures. Apart from its historical significance, valley Swat is reputed all over the globe for its fascinating landscapes, crystal clear water torrents, diverse flora and fanna, hospitality, ancient relics and mesmerizing lakes which attract innumerable number of diverse nature lovers from all over the world.

Stone Carving in Valley Swat

The land of swat, ancient Udyana, remarkably shared the artistic and cultural progress manifested over the centuries in Gandahara proper, but geographically and ethnically it effectively kept its separate identity.
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Ornamented Valley Swat

The history of ornaments is last in time. Female have occupied the central stage since the inception of human beings in to this world and due to the excessive attention and interest she has aroused and received from men, she has always
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Handicrafts of Swat

Apart from the influences from other tradition, the artisans of Swat have established their own footprints in the art of embroidery and garments. The peculiar and typical Sharai (woolen shawl for men) is specially weaved and made from local
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Wood Carving in Valley Swat

Gandahara art flourished and produced some of the best pieces of art and sculpture of all time during Buddhist period in Swat. Stone carving or tracery was the favorite pursuit of the artisans of that age and they carved
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Embroidery of Swat

The origin of embroidery has a long and time-tested history and is recorded in the annals of history from time immemorial. The art was perfected in ancient Egypt, Northern Europe and China. Intricately designed and embroidered clothing,

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